Reports Are Getting a Facelift
The reports page on Croux for desktop is getting an update with some awesome new functionality!
We've implemented some great changes to improve user experience when it comes to getting reports about your Croux hires.
These include changes to how the reports table is structured and functionality in filtering the shift records you want to see.
Previously, tips you had sent to a Croux talent were not being displayed here. This has now been remedied and the tips will be visible next to the ratings.

The reports table is now paginated so that you don't have to scroll infinitely to get to the records you want to see! You'll now be able to see ten records a page.
This will not affect your CSV download, you will still download the full data set designated by your filters.

You can also now search by shift number! If you want to look up specific previous shifts this is the best way to do it!

The shifts shown are now limited to a date range defined by you! Previously you could only see records from the previous two months but now you can set the range to show!
Shifts are limited to the current month by default.
We have also added the ability to filter by:
- Positions
- Locations
- Hired Talent
- Shift Status
Locations and hired talent are limited to only locations you've used and talent you've hired respectively. Selecting and applying any of these filters will update the records you're being shown like so:

We hope these changes will make your internal book-keeping even easier with Croux! We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new functionality!