Navigating the More Tab - Mobile

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May 24, 2023

The More Tab consists of several useful elements.


My Profile

Your business profile can be edited by tapping the pencil icon in the top right corner.

Business Profile.png

You may need to edit different parts of your business profile. Tap “Continue” once you have finished editing your information.

Edit Business Profile.png

Croux History

From this screen you can view any talent you have hired and find information on the shift they filled and how much they were paid.  You can tap on any of names and view more details on the shift they works and rate them.

Croux History.png

Payment Method

Edit your payment method and connect your stripe account.

Payment Method.png

Favorite Talent

View the talent you have favorited.

My Favorites.png

Auto-Hire Settings

Turn on and off Auto-Hire settings for your account. You will still be able to check Auto-Hire or not when you post a new shift.

Auto-Hire Setting ON.png

Auto-Hire Setting OFF.png


Edit your notification preferences from the notification settings screen.

Notification Settings.png